DRESDEN 1900 Museumsgastronomie in Dresden, Sachsen

Einrichtung and Essen   An der Frauenkirche 20, Dresden, Sachsen 01067

Dear Guests, why don’t you enjoy the Dresden between the industrial expansion and the art noveau period. Let yourself be fascinated by the Dresdners and their history. In our restaurant Dresden 1900 we present you the “Postplatz” and his development around the turn of the century. Besides Dresdens oldest still preserved and restored railcar from … Continue reading "Welcome to the „Dresden around 1900“"


Einrichtung   Essen  

Adresse :
An der Frauenkirche 20
Sachsen 01067
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Welcome to the „Dresden around 1900“ - Dresden 1900 Museumsgastronomie

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Welcome to the „Dresden around 1900“ - Dresden 1900 Museumsgastronomie
Dear Guests, why don’t you enjoy the Dresden between the industrial expansion and the art noveau period. Let yourself be fascinated by the Dresdners and their history. In our restaurant Dresden 1900 we present you the “Postplatz” and his development around the turn of the century. Besides Dresdens oldest still preserved and restored railcar from … Continue reading "Welcome to the „Dresden around 1900“"

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